
Our research builds upon 30+ years of continuously funded work on the enzymology and structural biology of proteins involved in blood coagulation and on mechanisms of ligand binding.

We are interested in the structural enzymology of proteins responsible for blood coagulation, with the goal of unraveling the molecular architecture and mechanism of the underlying interactions. Our approach uses a combination of conventional (rapid kinetics, protein engineering, X-ray crystallography) and innovative (smFRET, cryo-EM) biophysical techniques.

We currently focus on the interaction of prothrombin with prothrombinase, leading to generation of thrombin and blood clotting, the activation of factor V required for assembly of prothrombinase and the interaction of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex with protein C that halts the coagulation response. Current studies also focus on factor V short and its interactions with TFPIalpha, protein S and factor Xa. Emerging interests include proteins of the contact pathway like factors IX, XI and XII.

Ongoing Research

  1. Structure and dynamics of prothrombin (HL049413)
  2. Structural enzymology of protein C (HL139554)
  3. Structural enzymology of factor V activation (HL147821)

Video showing the complex of prothrombin (yellow), fVa (green), and fXa (red).

Read more about the Di Cera Lab’s plenary paper in Blood here: Blood 2022.

Selected Recent Publications

Rossi AD, Deavila S, Mohammed BM, Korolev S and Di Cera E. Replacement of a single residue changes the primary specificity of thrombin. (2025) J Thromb Haemost. Pubmed J Thromb Haemost
Rossi AD, Deavila S, Mohammed BM, Korolev S and Di Cera E. Replacement of a single residue changes the primary specificity of thrombin. (2025) Fertil Steril. Pubmed Fertil Steril
Stojanovski BM and Di Cera E. Conformation of factor Xa in solution revealed by single-molecule spectroscopy. (2024) J Thromb Haemost. 22, 2767-2772 Pubmed J Thromb Haemost PMC Article
Stojanovski BM and Di Cera E. Codon switching of conserved Ser residues in coagulation and fibrinolytic proteases. (2024) J Thromb Haemost. 22, 2495-2501 Pubmed J Thromb Haemost PMC Article
Verbout NG, Lorentz CU, Markway BD, Wallisch M, Marbury TC, Di Cera E, Shatzel JJ, Gruber A and Tucker EI. Safety and tolerability of the protein C activator AB002 in end-stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis: a randomized phase 2 trial. (2024) Commun Med (Lond). 4, 153 Pubmed Commun Med (Lond) PMC Article
Stojanovski BM, Pelc LA and Di Cera E. Thrombin has dual trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like specificity. (2024) J Thromb Haemost. 22, 1009-1015 Pubmed J Thromb Haemost PMC Article
Di Cera E. A simple method to resolve rate constants when the binding mechanism obeys induced fit or conformational selection. (2024) J Biol Chem. 300, 107131 Pubmed J Biol Chem PMC Article
Stojanovski BM, Mohammed BM and Di Cera E. The Prothrombin-Prothrombinase Interaction. (2024) Subcell Biochem. 104, 409-423 Pubmed Subcell Biochem

Complete Bibliography via PubMed: Di Cera E