Ph.D. Program
The Training Experience
A Ph.D. student and an M.D./Ph.D. student discuss the aspects and benefits of the Ph.D. program in the Edward A. Doisy Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
First Year Focus
Timetable for Admission
Screening of applicants begins in the December preceding the academic year of enrollment.
During the months of February, March, and April, highly qualified candidates are invited, at our expense, to come to St. Louis for interviews, and to acquaint themselves with the area, the university, and the Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences.
Offers of admission into the program are generally made shortly after the interviews are complete.
April 15
Acceptance of the offer of admission into the program by the applicant is expected no later than April 15. Late applications are considered on a space available basis.
The first academic year generally begins in the third week of August.
Application Requirements