Announcing the Abdul Waheed Scholarship in Biochemistry


We are pleased to announce the Abdul Waheed Scholarship in Biochemistry, a highly competitive scholarship for Ph.D. students within the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. The Scholarship is available to one Ph.D. graduate student and one M.D./Ph.D. student per year who plan to join the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program. The program includes stipend, tuition, and health insurance and covers 3 years for Core Ph.D. students and 1 year for M.D./Ph.D. students.

The Scholarship is named in honor of Abdul Waheed, Ph.D., Emeritus Research Professor of Biochemistry. The program is funded in full by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and recognizes Waheed’s outstanding contributions as a scientist, exemplary citizen, and generous donor. Find the full details on the Abdul Waheed Scholarship in Biochemistry page.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology