Baldan Angel crop

Ángel Baldán, Ph.D.

Molecular mechanisms that govern triglyceride and sterol homeostasis in liver, artery wall, intestine, and adipose tissue.

Office: DRC 627
Voice: (314) 977-9227

Research Interests

Our laboratory is interested in uncovering new players that control triglyceride and sterol homeostasis in liver, adipose tissue, and the vascular wall as well as studies on lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport. Our research also covers diet-induced atherogenesis, non-alchoholic fatty liver disease, and obesity.
Research Highlights

Our laboratory has a record of extensive and unique expertise in the fields of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, bile acid synthesis and excretion, cardiovascular disease, diet-induced obesity, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In very broad terms, our laboratory is interested in the molecular mechanisms that govern triglyceride and sterol homeostasis in liver, artery wall, intestine, and adipose tissue. In the past 12 years, we have made landmark discoveries and seminal contributions to these fields.

Hepatic Cholesterol Metabolism

Our publications on sterol-regulated miRNAs have established a new paradigm in the field of hepatic cholesterol metabolism, revealing cross-talk mechanisms that link sterol synthesis, uptake, and efflux pathways that were previously thought to be completely siloed apart from each other from a regulatory standpoint.

We are the co-discoverers of miR-33, and we identified its key role in HDL and VLDL lipoprotein secretion, reverse cholesterol transport, and atherogenesis.

Novel miRNA-dependent Networks

Our more recent work in the area of sterol-regulated miRNAs uncovered novel miRNA-dependent networks that link cholesterol homeostasis to diabetes, oxidative stress, and late-onset Parkinson’s disease.

Triglyceride Metabolism in Liver and Intestine

We are also acutely interested in the genes and mechanisms that govern triglyceride metabolism in liver and intestine, and we are actively investigating the role of the lipid droplet-associated proteins PLIN5 and CIDEC on fasting-and diet-induced hepatic steatosis and on dietary lipid absorption.

New Projects

Exciting new projects in our lab include:

  • developing novel high-throughput screenings of small molecule inhibitors to combat diet-induced obesity
  • new animal models to uncover the mechanism(s) behind the elevated cardiovascular risk in post-menopausal women.
Lab Info
  • Research has been funded since 2010 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association (AHA).
  • Trained graduate students and postdocs who moved on to top-notch academic institutions or the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Trained an M.D./Ph.D. student who was accepted to the prestigious NYU physician-scientist track program.
  • Published in high-impact journals such as PNAS, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology and Circulation Research, as well as in more specialized but prestigious journals in the field such as ATVB, Journal of Lipid Resarch, EMBO Molecular Medicine, Atherosclerosis and Current Opinions in Lipidology.
  • Collaborative work with researchers at other research institutions has resulted in co-authored publications in Nature Communications, Cellular Metabolism, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology and JCI Insight, among others.
  • Invited as a speaker at several Universities and Conferences.

Link to full list of publications: Baldán Á

Recent Publications

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology