
Adriana Montaño, Ph.D.
Secondary Professor
Department of Pediatrics

Enzyme replacement therapy, gene therapy, and other treatments for mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA or Morquio Disease.

Office: DRC 311
Voice: (314) 977-9103

Research Interests

We are working on developing a registry and growth charts for patients with MPS IVA and are in pre-clinical trials for enzyme replacement therapy for patients affected by MPS IVA. We are also developing a bone targeting system for treatment of MPS disorders, substrate reudction therapy for MPSs, and gene therapy for MPS IVA. Other areas of interest are characterization of hyaluronidases, the molecular evolution of glycosaminoglycans and peptidoglycan receptor proteins, and chondroitin sulfate metabolism.

Recent Publications

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology